Local 80 has established a fundraising campaign to assist members in need through GoFundMe.  Click Here To Learn More

This campaign will benefit IATSE Local 80 members that work as Grips, Crafts Service, Medics, Marine Boat Handlers, and Warehouse Workers. We will be giving $50 Gas/Grocery cards to every member in need. ANY donation will help make an impact.

A Strike is the ultimate economic weapon a Union can use to gain better working conditions and higher wages. The WGA decided to stop work on May 1st. 90+ days ago. SAG decided to join the writers on July 14th. So far IATSE members have had a loss of 80 million dollars in wages.

During this time of hardship Local 80 is committed to helping our members weather this storm. We have partnered with The Handy Foundation. https://www.handyfoundation.com/. A nonprofit that is dedicated to creating pathways and training in below the line crafts. They have graciously offered fiscal sponsorship of Local 80’s GoFundMe campaign. For that reason, all donations are tax deductible.

CLICK HERE to join the groups and a member will contact you.

Hello First Aid Group! We appreciate so many of you attending our initial first aid town hall and offering us such great feedback. We heard you and our working groups have been working hard to address the things that you told us were important to you. Such as:

  • Occupational Name Change
  • Negotiations
  • Wages and Working Conditions
  • Internal Education
  • Documentation Standards
  • Contract Services
  • Addressing Liability
  • Call Board Updates
  • OTC List
  • Medic Vehicle working truck
  • Medic Kit Standards
  • Recovering healthy practices from 767
  • Non-Union Medical offices
  • Box Kit Rental Standards
  • Medical Director

We would love for you to join our second town hall on Monday 6-26-23 at 7pm -9 p.m. to share your feedback and thoughts on our progress.