Office of Secretary Treasurer

Daily Duties/Responsibilities of office (Not required, but previous experience is helpful):  Drafting of Letters, Internal and External communication (electronic and postal), Preparation of Documents for all Local 80 meetings, interaction with vendors, oversight of office staff, Call Board Operation, Accounting Principals, Accounts oversight, Facilities/Operations, Legal/Constitutional Items, Stewardship of inventory, banking.


JOB DESCRIPTION (Taken from the Local 80 Constitution and By-Laws)


Section I, Duties:  It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to attend all meetings of the Local; she/he shall call the roll of the officers at the opening of each meeting; she/he shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the Local faithfully and regularly, and record same in a book provided for that purpose.  It shall be her/his duty to read all ARTICLES AND SECTIONS of the By-Laws, reports of committees, etc., which she/he may be ordered to read; and when reading the minutes of the preceding meeting, she/he shall read them as then written in the book of minutes.

Section II, Bonding:  The Secretary-Treasurer, before his/her installation shall be bonded in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) or more if required by law:  Arrangements to be made by the Trustees.

Section III, Attendance at Meetings, Voice and Vote (from 1985) The Secretary-Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the Executive Board for the purpose of recording the minutes of the meetings and shall have full voice, but no vote on all matters that come before the Executive Board.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall have full voice and vote at all other meetings of the Local.

Section IV, Salary:  She/he shall receive not less than first company grip weekly scale as per current contract with the Producer and in addition to her/his salary receive as expenses not more than Fifty ($50.00) per week.

Section V, Responsibilities:  All books, papers, resolutions, blank applications for membership, seal of the Local and all other documents appertaining  to his/her office shall be given into her/his charge and shall not be taken from his/her possession except by order of the Executive Board.  She/he shall be answerable for all monies received by him/her and give her/his receipt for same.  She/he shall, when ordered by the Local or the Executive Board, render an account of all monies received and paid by him/her on account of the Local.  She/he shall report quarterly in writing at the regular meetings, and at such other times as this Local may require and also furnish her/his annual report and audit at the regular meeting in February of each year.  She/he shall render a monthly written financial statement of the Local to the Executive Board, which shall become part of the Executive Board Minutes, and shall give a Summary of his/her report to the regular meeting.

Section VI, Quarterly Reports:  She/he shall make a quarterly report in writing to the Executive Board and the International, giving the full status of the Local’s members, which shall be considered as part of the Executive Board minutes.

Section VII, Maintenance of Files:  The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a file showing each member’s name and date of admittance to the Local.  She/he shall keep a record of each member’s name, address, when she/he was admitted, expelled, transferred, or whatever the case may be.

Section VIII, Records of Attendance:  She/he shall keep a record showing each member’s attendance at assembly meetings.

Section IX, Correspondence and Other Duties She/he shall be responsible for the prompt and proper handling of any and all correspondence referred to him/her attention and she/he shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.

Section X, Disposition of Monies Received:  She/he shall receive all dues and other monies due this Local and enter same in cashbook and ledger.  The money must be deposited in such bank or savings institution as the Executive Board and the Trustees select.

Section XI, Monies for Death Benefit Fund:  No clause.

Section XII, Paying of Bills & Orders:  She/he shall pay all bills or orders.  All vouchers for bills or orders on the Treasury shall be drawn and signed by the Secretary-Treasurer and presented to the President, for her/his signature.

Section XIII, Cashing of Checks:  The Secretary-Treasurer shall not accept or cash personal checks or other checks, except in payment of dues or other indebtedness to this Local.  There will be a Twenty Five Dollar ($25.00) fine for any bad check given to the Local.  Any member who pays the quarter’s dues with a bad check and works in that quarter before she/he makes the check good will be considered as having worked without their dues being paid.  Bad checks must be picked up with cash or money orders.

Section XIV, Reporting of Working Without Dues:  The Secretary-Treasurer shall report any member working without their dues being paid to the Business Manger and the Executive Board.

Section XV, Application Fee Monies:  She/he shall hold all monies accompanying applications for membership in the General Fund.

Section XVI, Printing of Ballots (as of 2000) No clause.

Section XVII, Informing Committees:  Whenever a committee has been formed or appointed, she/he shall notify the members comprising said committee and inform them of the resolution, matter or questions referred to them.

Section XVIII, File of Amendments & Governing Motions:  She/he shall keep in a separate file a complete record of all approved amendments to be added to the Constitution and By-Laws.  She/he shall keep in a separate file a complete record of all governing motions by the Executive Board and Assembly.